The Huge Impact of Playable Ads on App Downloads

Marketer’s new favorite ad type, interactive ones, are becoming more and more popular as usage grows every day. The once format, once exclusive to the gaming industry, has begun to spread in non-gaming areas like social networking, education, weather, shopping, productivity, and finance areas. Expectedly, one of the best uses for interactive ads is undoubtedly app marketing.

The application market is the perfect candidate for advergaming, because showing potential app users the most valuable and intriguing parts of the app without requiring them to download the app is an incomparably better way of reaching new users. The latest research on the trendy ad format shows why nothing can beat it and, if we are talking specifically about ads in a mini game format, the numbers are even better. Here are some mind-blowing figures on the immense impact of interactive ads which show why marketers won’t let go of this revolutionary ad type anytime soon.

Hack the Attention Span with Interactive Ads

Thanks to the rarity of interactive ads, users don’t skip when they come across them. Plus, involving them in the process makes them spend more time interacting with the ads. Magna Global’s report on the effectiveness of ad types states that interactive ads prolongs consumer attention by 47%.1 On top of that, the co-active nature of interactives and playables are 32% more memorable than conventional, non-interactive ads. The best thing is that the numbers are even higher for everyone’s new target audience: millennials and Gen Z.

Playable Ads Generate Seven Times More Conversion!

The biggest drawback of playable ads for marketers is its pricing, but when we look at the bigger picture, we see that their incredibly high ROI means it practically pays for itself. Studies show that interactive ads have three times more conversion rates than conventional video ads, and when the ads are mini games, the conversion rates can reach as high as 700% more than non-interactive video or static ads!2

Thanks to our expertise, we have seen the results of our playable ads firsthand. Our client, Voodoo, says our playable ads have increased their IPM by 35%, and all our clients agree that the playable format has no match in the advertisement industry.

Stand Out Against the Competition with Playable Ads!

According to a survey by Business2Community, 88% of marketers prefer playable ads to anything else.3 Thanks to their creative freedom, high ROI, and memorability, playable ads seem like they are going to stay at the top of marketers’ favorite ad format lists. Being able to develop a campaign from scratch gives marketers a challenge to push them to their limits, and we can safely say that the outcomes are great. To see how playable ads affect marketing, you can visit our Case Studies page, and later, maybe we can design the next creative milestone for your brand.

  1. Tremor-IPG-Media-Trial.pdf (
  2. Playable Ads: High Conversion Rates and High Revenue | ironSource (
  3. 10 Interactive Content Marketing Stats That Will Turn Your Head – Business 2 Community