More than a year ago, everyone started living in an unforeseen situation. Now this situation is called the “new normal.” Every aspect of people’s lives has been affected to some degree. But one particular part of daily life has had a huge impact: our digital presence. Ever since many people stopped commuting to work, and certain times and cities made it impossible to spend time outdoors, time spent digitally on social media has increased dramatically. This is also reflected in the digital world.
People have turned more to their mobile devices, which has increased their mobile time compared to pre-covid times. With users spending much more time on mobile, brands are paying more attention to social media to engage with users. According to Mobile Marketing Magazine, mobile is still the fastest-growing advertising channel in COVID -19. Now the mobile advertising industry is even more competitive.
What does this mean for brands?
As users spend more time on mobile and brands invest more, brands need to have a good mix of content and context while advertising on mobile platforms1. Potentially, brands that also have a presence on mobile can reach audiences around the globe.
Users are more aware of the pandemic than ever, so brands should advertise with caution. According to Kantar’s COVID -19 Barometer Report2, brands should convey how they are helpful in everyday life and maintain a reassuring tone. And don’t worry, there is little evidence that users think brands should stop advertising, just “8% of respondents see this as a priority for brands2.
What should brands be doing in the mobile space?
There is a fine line between engaging with users and increasing conversion rates and boring them and leaving a bad image in their minds. It’s not enough to use the same old images, videos, and campaigns. Users are tired of seeing boring, unresponsive ads. Since people spend a long time on mobile, they interact with a lot more content. They get to see a lot of ads, skip some of them without thinking about it, but engage with some of them! So, how can you be one of those brands that deliver ads that stick?
Thanks to playable ads, this is possible!
In this day and age where a lot of time is spent on mobile and competition in the industry is fierce, brands need to stand out. Since each playable ad is its own mini-game that changes depending on the product, they all have their own dynamics. Yet, one piece is essential in all of them: CTA! With the Call-to-Action at the end of the game, the user is usually redirected to the brand’s page or app.
What can you do with playable ads?
The good thing about playable ads is that they are interactive! That is, the user engages with them, which in return mimics the user experience of the product! Playable ads for non-gaming brands increase engagement while grabbing the user’s attention, provide entertaining content, and arguably the best mobile experience since they are inherently tailored for mobile3. At Playable Factory, we offer our expertise and knowledge to create the best experience for your users. We do this by working with you to create engaging playable ads based on your needs.